Campus closures for Cyclone Gabrielle 13 Feb 2023

Published date : Mon, 13 February 2023 10:45 am

As the weather around Aotearoa continues to change quickly due to the impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle, we have decided it is safest to close all campuses from midday today.


Our Tāmaki Makaurau and Whangārei campuses are already closed for Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 February.
Our Whakatāne campus will also now be closing at midday today Monday 13, through until the end of day Tuesday 14 February.


All kaimahi should work from home, and classes will be held online for tauira to attend where they can. Please do not visit campus for any reason and limit your travel wherever possible. If you need urgent support with something, please contact your line manager.

If you were planning to have manuhiri to site for hui or other mahi, please move these appointments online or until later in the week.

We encourage you to keep a close eye on your local Civil Defence websites and social media pages for local updates, as the weather is rapidly changing across the different rohe. You can find links to these below.


Again, our priority is the safety of our kaimahi, tauira, manuhiri and your whānau. Please be prepared for disruption and the situation to quickly change. If your life, health, or home is in danger, always call 111 as soon as you can. Visit for information on how to prepare for a storm.

If you have pātai or concerns, please always reach out. We are here to support you.