COVID-19 response: Thursday 4 June

Published date : Thu, 04 June 2020 05:36 pm
After more than two months since we shut our campus doors due to COVID-19, the situation is stable enough to move to the next phase in our staggered approach to returning to campus. This phase will see some programmes recommence delivery on campus, and there will be physical access to campus services and facilities, from Monday 8 June.

However, while it may seem that we are returning to some level of ‘normal’, our processes cannot yet return to as they were before COVID-19. All tauira will need to follow the protocols implemented to keep everyone safe. These include:

  • Single point of entry on Campus (Main Reception)
  • Signing in and out from the Main Reception using the free EVA QR code system, or manually – this is compulsory.
  • Maintaining safe hygiene and physical distancing practices.

More information on this and the steps everyone needs to take can be found here. It is important that you read through these protocols before you return to campus. If you have any questions on these, please contact us at or contact your kaiako.


To acknowledge the physical re-opening of our campuses, whakatau will be held at our Whakatāne and Tāmaki campuses on the following dates and times.

  • Whakatāne – Monday 8 June, 9.00am in Te Kōputu Kōrero a Tā Hirini Moko Mead (Library and Information Commons)
  • Tāmaki – Friday 5 June, 10.00am in T105

Please note that numbers will be restricted due to physical distancing requirements of at least one metre.  In this regard, we apologise in advance if rooms where whakatau are being held reach full capacity.


Throughout this crisis, we have had to adapt our tikanga. While the situation has stabilised, we still need to maintain physical distancing – this means refraining from hariru or hongi following the whakatau. Instead, we encourage you to use either the nod, or raise eyebrows, or other means that follow physical distancing rules.

Alert Level 1

Aotearoa may be moving to Alert Level 1 earlier than anticipated. The Prime Minister is expected to make an announcement on Monday afternoon around this.

A move to Alert Level 1 will still require us to follow contact tracing procedures and maintain safe hygiene practices. We will provide further details on what this means for Awanuiārangi following the PM’s announcement.


A few further reminders and updates:

Online delivery

  • We are retaining the option of online teaching and learning as we move through Alert Levels, in particular for those of our tauira and kaimahi who are vulnerable and at-risk and still unable to come to campus.
  • If you are vulnerable and at-risk and unable to attend classes, please contact your kaiako.

External visitors during Alert Level 2

Whānau, including children of kaimahi and tauira, are not allowed on campus. If this poses any problems to your individual circumstances, please contact your manager.

Campus facilities

From Monday 8 June, our campus facilities will re-open, with some changes to hours of operations and procedures to ensure the safety of everyone. 


  • Our library will physically open from 9am to 3pm.
  • Books can still be ordered online and will be sent via courier.
  • A ‘click and collect’ service will still be available at our Whakatāne campus from Main Reception. For any Library enquiries, please email:

Awhi Tauira

Our Awhi Tauira team will be available in person and online from 9am to 3pm.

Ipos Café

Ipos Café will be closed until further notice.

Noho and marae-based programmes

  • Noho are expected to resume on site from the end of June 2020. Overnight noho however, will not resume until Alert Level 1. Kaiako will communicate timetabling details to tauira once these are confirmed.
  • Delivery of our marae-based programmes – Adult Community Education (ACE) and Te Pou Hono – have been delayed until it is practicable to hold these on marae, given the COVID-19 control measures and health and safety protocols required. Start dates will be communicated to tauira by marae coordinators.
  • We expect there to be more clarity on these once we know when Aotearoa will move to Alert Level 1.


  • Read our FAQs on our website here.
  • For additional pātai, please contact our COVID-19 Response Team at
  • Further updates will continue to be communicated as these are available. Continue to check your emails and follow the Awanuiārangi website and Facebook page for all our updates.


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Whakapā mai

For any Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi related COVID-19 concerns or enquiries please contact us

COVID-19 Response for Tauira
Awanuiārangi Covid-19 Response Team (Tauira)
COVID-19 Response for Kaimahi
Awanuiārangi COVID-19 Response Team (Kaimahi)