Message of aroha for Maui

Published date : Fri, 11 August 2023 11:49 am
Kai te tangi nei te ngākau ki te rongo kua pākia nei he aituā nui i te moutere o Maui. Kai konei te whānau o Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi e tuku nei ōna whakaaro, karakia hoki ki ngā whānau katoa. Ka nui te aroha kia koutou.


Tēnā tātau katoa,

With sadness we have learnt of the devastating fires that have been impacting the island of Maui. This is tragic news, and we share our aroha for our Maui graduates, their ohana, and all on the island of Maui at this time.

We send prayers for those who have been lost, and for the safety and recovery of all.  Our Head of School of Indigenous Graduate Studies, Professor Mera Penehira will be contacting our graduates and students in the coming days.  Professor Penehira works extensively within our Hawaiian communities and will ascertain if there is any support we can provide.

Kia koutou ngā mate haere, haere atu ra koutou ki nga tīpuna e tatari mai ana.  Ka nui te aloha, ka nui te aroha.

Whakapā mai/Contact us

If you are a graduate or student of the Hawaiian Islands who needs our support, please contact us.

Professor Mera Penehira
Head of School of Indigenous Graduate Studies & International Programme Co-ordinator