Te Pōkaitahi Reo (Rūmaki, Reo Rua) (Te Kaupae 4)

Learn te reo Māori with this intermediate level Māori language course.
This level 4 programme is intended for learners who understand and use te reo at an advanced-intermediate level.  If you want to contribute positively to the development of te reo kia tika, kia rere, kia Māori, or have a personal and/or professional interest in te reo, then this programme is for you.

Graduates will have the skills and knowledge to communicate independently in familiar, and some less familiar, situations with fluency and increasing flexibility in everyday whānau, marae, social/community workplace and/or academic contexts, and in broader aspects of te ao Māori.  

Start Date
Sem 1: 10 Feb to 29 Jun 2025, Sem 2: 21 Jul to 07 Dec 2025, Full year: 17 Feb to 23 Nov 2025
20 weeks per semester
Blended learning including noho, wānanga, online learning and self-directed learning
Applications Close
Applications close
Sem 1: 24 Feb 2025, Sem 2: 04 Aug 2025, Full year: 23 Mar 2025
Campus Location
Whakatāne Campus, Manukau Campus, Te Herenga Waka Marae Silverdale, Papatūanuku Kōkiri Marae Mangere, Online: Aotearoa
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Tuition fees free

REO401 Mana Tangata 4

Course Type:  Core

Description: From this paper, tauira will be able to use te reo Māori vocabulary and grammatical structures at an advanced intermediate level as an expression of mana tangata. The content areas are: 

  • Māori alphabet
  • Advanced intermediate level language command
  • Dialectal difference
  • Language etiquette
  • Colloquial language structures (kīwaha, whakataukī, whakatauāki, kīrehu)

REO402 Mana Whenua 4

Course Type: Core

Description: From this paper, tauira will be able to use te reo at an advanced intermediate level to show a broad understanding of connections to the land and the environment, prominent places, people, histories and stories, and local proverbs and colloquial sayings as an expression of mana whenua. The content areas are: 

  • Māori alphabet
  • Advanced intermediate level language command
  • Dialectal difference
  • Language etiquette
  • Narratives (pūrākau, pepeha, kīwaha of the marae)
  • Narratives of significant landmarks

REO403 Mana Reo 4

Course Type: Core

Description:  From this paper, tauira will be able to apply advanced intermediate level te reo Māori and technical skills in selected places and contexts to develop a growing knowledge of, and respect for te reo, as an expression of mana reo. The content areas are: 

  • Māori alphabet
  • Advanced intermediate level language command
  • Dialectal difference
  • Language etiquette
  • Everyday language use
  • Contextual language application.

REO404 Mana Ao Tūroa 4

Course Type: Core

Description: From this paper, tauira will be able to use advanced intermediate level te reo Māori to achieve and lead tasks in specified contexts, and some unfamiliar settings as an expression of mana ao tūroa. The content areas are: 

  • Māori alphabet
  • Advanced intermediate level language command
  • Dialectal difference
  • Language etiquette
  • Instructional language (family, work, and community context)
  • Relevant vocabulary (family, work, and community context)
  • Relevant language structures (family, work, and community context)

Ngā korero a ngā tauira

Student voice

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Whakapā mai/Contact us

Mereana Huata
National Programme Coordinator - Te Reo Māori Levels 3-4 (6-month programme)
Tumatawhero Tihi
National Programme Coordinator - Te Reo Māori Levels 3-4 (12-month programme)

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