Te Pou Hono ki Toi
Te Pou Hono ki Toi
This level 4 programme is intended for people who seek to develop a broad range of skills required to support and participate in mahi toi within marae communities.
Graduates of this qualification will be able to apply a broad range of mahi toi skills to support their whānau, hapū, iwi and marae communities. They will also improve their knowledge, understanding and skills of mahi toi and how to participate in the development of toi in marae communities.
What you will Study
- This marae-centred programme is intended for people who seek to be engaged and broaden their skills in Mahi Toi of their marae.
- The qualification meets the needs of whānau, hapu, iwi and other Māori organisations wanting to grow capacity,
capability, and knowledge within the marae to research and practice traditional arts of their ancestors.
What you will Learn
- A range of communication skills relevant to the cultural and artistic development of marae and their communities.
- Participate in broad operational and theoretical knowledge associated with the traditional cultural artistic development of
marae communities. - Reflect on and evaluate your practices of cultural artistic development of marae, hapū and/or iwi.
On demandDuration
Options include 12, 14, 16, 18, 36 weeksCommitment
Weekend noho, wānanga and self-directed learning as per cohort preferenceApplications close
on demandLocations
Available nationally based on demandRequirements
Min age 17. Open entry. A desire to develop and empower marae communitiesPathway to
View link belowFees
Tuition fees free
Show Course Outline
PTO001 Mana Atua / Mana Whenua – Toi
Course type: Core (10 credits)
- Description: This course will enable tauira to research and describe the tikanga practices and processes of a selected Toi Māori (or equivalent).
PTO002 Mana Tangata / Mana Rangatira – Toi
Course type: Core (30 credits)
Description: Tauira will create a piece of toi relevant to a marae setting or equivalent.
- This course will enable tauira to create a portion or a completed piece of a selected traditional Toi Māori incorporating traditional skills. This course entails the practical application of either Tāniko, Raranga, Tukutuku, Whakairo, Kōwhaiwhai or Tā Moko.
Ngā korero a ngā tauira
Student's voice
Tomo mai ki Awanuiārangi
Experience Awanuiārangi
Whakapā mai/Contact us
Makarena Hotene
National Programme Coordinator - Te Waharoa, Te Pou Hono
- Phone: 07 306 3213 or 027 257 9264
- Email: makarena.hotene@wananga.ac.nz
Interested? Make an enquiry
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