The delivery mode and learning environment of Te Pou Hono is based on traditional Māori learning principals and is influenced by tikanga and manaakitanga.
This programme is delivered encompassing a variety of study activities including, kanohi-ki-te-kanohi (face-to-face) learning, guest lecturing, practical field work, group workshops and workbooks.
How you will study
- Attend timetabled hours, negotiated with the Marae, which may include:
- Attending weekend noho or wānanga
- Participating in activities
- Completing assessments
- Contributing your own research findings
To complete the programme, students must complete 100 learning hours per kōwae ako. This is an equal combination of directed learning (lecturer engagement) and self-directed learning.
Based on the delivery hours outlined, a Wānanga delivery mode could look like any of the following
Option 1:
Attend 8 weekend noho, with 25 learning hours per noho and complete self-directed learning.
Option 2:
Attend 4 five-day wānanga, with 10 learning hours per wānanga and complete self-directed learning.
Option 3:
Attend 20 one-day wānanga, with 10 learning hours per wānanga and complete self-directed learning.
Whakapā mai/Contact us
Makarena Hotene
- Phone: 07 306 3213 or 027 257 9264
- Email: